Get total rows from secondary table data source

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DataSource SQL Report Designer (standalone) Table
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Jason asked on 31 Jul 2024, 04:35 PM


I am trying to get the total rows from a table in my detail section that is bound to a secondary data source, that is, not the data source of the report.

The report is bound to a header data source that contains client information, and has one row.  The table in the detail section is bound to a second data source that contains all that client's products.

I would like to put a footer textbox with the total products from the table's total rows.



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answered on 05 Aug 2024, 09:20 AM

Hi Jason,

The table can display such aggregates in footer/header cells out of the box if you add a parent row group to it. However, my understanding is that you need the aggregate to be placed outside of the table instead. Is that correct?

If that is the case, you can achieve the desired result by placing a new list in the report, assigning the same data source as the one used by the table to it, and adding a static row group with a header/footer to it. Then you can hide/delete all rows except for the header row and use the Count aggregate function to display the total.

I hope this helps.
Let me know if any additional questions come up.

Best Regards,
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DataSource SQL Report Designer (standalone) Table
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