I have a heirachical grid and my detail table looks like,
<rad:GridTableView AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server" CommandItemDisplay="Top"
PageSize="3" Name="Payments" DataKeyNames="PaymentLossDetailID" GridLines="Horizontal"
AllowFilteringByColumn="false" Width="1200px" NoDetailRecordsText="No payments to display"><%--SIW451--%>
<rad:GridRelationFields DetailKeyField="PaymentLossDetailID" MasterKeyField="LossDetailID" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbAddPayment" runat="server" OnClientClick="AddPayment (this); return false;"><img style="border:0px" alt="" src="Images/GridAddNew.gif" />Add New Payment</asp:LinkButton><asp:LinkButton ID="lbAddCollection" runat="server" CommandName="InsertCollection"
Style="padding-left: 30px"><img style="border:0px" alt="" src="Images/GridAddNew.gif" />Add New Collection</asp:LinkButton>
As you can see right now I am calling AddPayment(this) on command item client click, but what I actually want to pass is the parent row, which was expanded and is the current parent of this detailtable. It could be something like AddPayment(this.OwnerTableView.get_ParentRow())so that I can use the row and then the column values in my client script.
Please let me know how to achieve this in client script.