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Get Dropped RadListViewItem ID

1 Answer 85 Views
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James Shelton Agar
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Rank 2
James Shelton Agar asked on 19 Jul 2010, 02:21 AM
Hi, I can get the sender id by args.get_itemIndex();, how can i get the destinationElement(which must also be a radlistviewitem) ID and/or clientvalue?

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2010, 12:59 PM
Hi James,

I'm afraid that the destination item's index is not available, through itemdropping eventArgs. As RadListView is a "look-less control" it is hard to determine which portion of the rendered html it the actual item without cluttering the output with useless markup. Thus there is no client-side object representation of the data items.

However you can track the id of the destinationItem by hooking to its mouseover and mouseout events and saving the DisplayIndex in order to retrieve it from dropping handler. Similar to the following:

    <telerik:RadListView runat="server" ID="RadListView1">
            <div class="rlvI">
                <telerik:RadListViewItemDragHandle ID="RadListViewItemDragHandle1" runat="server" />
        <ClientSettings AllowItemsDragDrop="true">
            <ClientEvents OnItemDropping="itemDropping" />
    <telerik:RadListView runat="server" ID="RadListView2">
            <div class="rlvI" onmouseover='itemMouseOver("<%#Container.DisplayIndex %>")' onmouseout='itemMouseOut();'>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var currentDestinationIndex = -1;
    function itemDropping(sender, args) {
        var destIndex = currentDestinationIndex;
        alert("dragged item index:" + args.get_itemIndex());
        if (destIndex > -1) {
            alert("destination index:" + destIndex);
        else {
            alert("Not over RadListView2 items");
    function itemMouseOver(displayIndex) {
        //save the id in a variable when dragged item is over
        currentDestinationIndex = displayIndex;
    function itemMouseOut() {
        //clear the variable if dragged item leaves 
        //destination item boundaries
        currentDestinationIndex = -1;

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James Shelton Agar
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