<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="TRANS_AMOUNT" HeaderText="Amount" UniqueName="TRANS_AMOUNT"
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" Width="100px" Wrap="False" />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="100px" Wrap="False" />
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="USE_TAX_AMT" HeaderText="Use Tax" UniqueName="USE_TAX_AMT"
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Left" Width="45px" Wrap="False" />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="45px" Wrap="False" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbUseTax" runat="server" CommandName="Taxes" Width="45px" CssClass="Normal"
ToolTip="Click to edit use Tax" Text='<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.USE_TAX_AMT") %>'
Public Sub useTaxClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'need to get the value from the grid column TRANS_AMOUNT to pass as parameter to the window
Dim taxable As Double = 0
Dim newWindow As New Telerik.Web.UI.RadWindow
newWindow.ID = "txW"
newWindow.NavigateUrl = "PurchaseCardUseTax.aspx?taxable=" & taxable newWindow.VisibleOnPageLoad = True
End Sub
But how do I access the TRANS_AMOUNT column value for the row where the link button was clicked? Neither sender nor e is capable of representing the row.