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Geometry to XML

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Svyatoslav asked on 27 Oct 2016, 01:25 PM

Good afternoon. How can I save the geometry of the selected objects to RadDiagram in xaml file? Now I take the RadDiagramShape geometry, convert it to a string and written in the xaml file. But when I try the reverse conversion, an error is thrown

1) the RadDiagramShape declare

<telerik:RadDiagramShape x:Name="ConditionShape"
AllowCopy="False" AllowCut="False" AllowDelete="False" AllowDrop="False" AllowPaste="True" Background="Azure" 
Geometry="{telerik:CommonShape ShapeType=RectangleShape }" StrokeThickness="1" Height="100" Width="100" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Position="180,50"/>

2) the entry in the xaml file

Init.overview.LibraryItems.FunctionItem[end].Data = Convert.ToString(ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.DecisionShape));
 FunctionLibrary Done = new FunctionLibrary();
            Done = Init.overview;
            XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FunctionLibrary));
            using (var fStream = new FileStream(path: "./****.xml", mode: FileMode.Create, access: FileAccess.Write, share: FileShare.ReadWrite))
                xml.Serialize(fStream, Done);
3) the result in a file
      <Data>M56;0,5L111,5;37,5 56;74,5 0,5;37,5z</Data>

4)  and the inverse transform

var converter = new System.Windows.Media.GeometryConverter();
var data = (Geometry) converter.ConvertFromString(ListCode[i].Data);
ConditionShape.Geometry = data;

this line is not recognized as geometry. how to convert in the required format?

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 01 Nov 2016, 08:28 AM
Hello Svyatoslav,

I already answered your questions in the other forum thread. About the saving, you can also take a look at the serialization feature of the diagram. However, keep in mind the feature will save the entire diagram (not only the geometries).

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