I have a radtextbox that I have set to change the background color on change text:
<ClientEvents OnValueChanged="ChangeBackColor" />
I have a combobox that does the same thing:
Is there an equvalent to this for a datetime picker? I cant find the function that reference the input or textbox of the control to change it on a selected date change.
<ClientEvents OnValueChanged="ChangeBackColor" />
function ChangeBackColor(sender) {
sender.get_styles().EnabledStyle[0] += "background-color: lemonchiffon;";
sender.updateCssClass(); }
I have a combobox that does the same thing:
function ChangeBackColorCombo(sender, args) {
var inputElement = sender.get_inputDomElement();
inputElement.style.backgroundColor = "lemonchiffon";
Is there an equvalent to this for a datetime picker? I cant find the function that reference the input or textbox of the control to change it on a selected date change.