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Full ClientID

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benitolopez_sistemas asked on 02 May 2010, 05:05 AM
Is there way I can get the full ClientID description?

I need to "focus" via javascript the webcontrols, but as you know if you have a radtextbox  the clientId "focusable" is endding with "_text", the raddateinput ends with "_dateInput_text", etc

So I need to know if there is a function for retrieving on the serverside this information.


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answered on 03 May 2010, 07:21 AM


You could use the following client code in order to get the client side object of RadDateInput control.

         var input = $find('<%= RadDateInput1.ClientID %>');



The following example shows how to get a reference to its DOM element:

         var inputElement = $get('<%=RadInput1.ClientID%>' + '_text');



Checkout the documentation for more information about this: Client-Side Basics

Additionally, Here is the code that I used for focussing the RadDateInput control from client side. I hope this could help.

<script type="text/javascript">  
    function pageLoad() {  
        var input = $find('<%= RadDateInput1.ClientID %>');  


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answered on 03 May 2010, 11:07 PM
Thanks for reply.

But If I have a lot of radwebcontrols or webcontrols in the page, and I need serverside generate the client javascript code, How can I know on ther serverside the full clientid of the webcontrol for passing it as a parameter, and send it back the javascript code to the browser ?

In your example you refer just for one webcontrol, but I need a function to pass a full clientid as parameter for any webcontrol on the page.

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