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Freeze Panes of second worksheet

4 Answers 168 Views
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Bruno asked on 01 Jun 2016, 08:33 PM


I am using an radSpreadsheet with multiple worksheets. I have no problem when it comes to freezing rows and columns using FreezePanes on the first worksheet. However, I am unable to freeze cells for the second worksheet.

Is it possible to freeze cells simultaniously on multiple worksheets of a given radSpreadsheet and, if so, could you give me an example of how this could be achieved?

Thank you.


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Nikolay Demirev
Telerik team
answered on 02 Jun 2016, 11:05 AM
Hello Bruno,

One way to achieve this is to freeze the active worksheet, the way you are doing it right now, using the RadWorksheetEditor.FreezePanes() method, then to iterate through all worksheets in the workbook and modify their ViewState using the following code:
foreach (Worksheet worksheet in workbook.Worksheets.Where(p => p != workbook.ActiveWorksheet))
    worksheet.ViewState.FreezePanes(5, 5);

Currently, there is an issue related to notifying the UI of changes in the ViewState of the worksheet, that is why the active worksheet has to be frozen using a different approach.

Another workaround is to get the Workbook of the RadSpreadsheet, and replace it with new Workbook, then freeze all worksheets of the original workbook, and return it to the RadSpreadsheet.

Another workaround is to freeze all worksheets, and just change the active worksheet to another one, and then to the one, which was active before.

I have logged a public item in our Feedback portal, you can upvote and follow it, this way you would be able to track the process on the matter.

Nikolay Demirev
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answered on 02 Jun 2016, 01:21 PM

Hello Nikolay,

I tried using the bit of code you linked and it works.

Thank you very much for your help.

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answered on 25 Oct 2016, 08:27 AM


May i know what library or reference do i need to add in order to user RadWorkshhetEditor? 

Could you send me the dll please?

Thank You

Telerik team
answered on 28 Oct 2016, 07:49 AM
Hello Keng Sheng,

The RadWorksheetEditor class is part of our RadSpreadProcessing library. This library is included in Telerik Document Processing and distributed as a part of several suites. More information on the matter is available here.

RadSpreadProcessing is used by RadSpreadsheet as its model. This component and the assemblies you should refer from your project to use it are described in our documentation.

All the assemblies you are eligible to download according to your license, are available your account. To access them, you should log in at, go to the Downloads section and choose a suite.

Hope this helps.

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Nikolay Demirev
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