I have issue with few issues with telerik controls.
1) alignment image is not showing properly in editors. i have checked the cssclass assigned to that alignment image & found that it have some problem or not compiled in dll properly. class is like..
backgorund-image is comming not replaced in css. because server tag is not well formed.
2) same thing is occures in opened property dialog also.
3) in image uploading dialog overwrite file if exists checbox is not working in Firefox. i have checked in Firefox v3.0.4 in windows & mac both.for more details check attached image.
4) I have added a button on toolbar for editor. which will load editor with advanced option for editor. this option is not working on local & our sandbox. but its working fine on our live server. you can check this on following site.
logon with following credential.
can u please help me to solve this bugs without upgradaing new versions.
i have upgraded telerik many times after radeditor.net. every time i have updated to latest controlls i found new bug to solve. to solve that issue i have been called to upgradae to next version. it is really waste of resources & time to upgrade next version of telerik just for solving issue raised by our clients. which is really non proffessional way to handle client.
i hope my probelm will be understood.
hopping earlier & positive reply
thanx & regards,
Mukesh Chudasama
I have issue with few issues with telerik controls.
1) alignment image is not showing properly in editors. i have checked the cssclass assigned to that alignment image & found that it have some problem or not compiled in dll properly. class is like..
.Default2006.rade_AlignmentSelector div {WebResou...017968750 (line 89)
margin:1px auto;
backgorund-image is comming not replaced in css. because server tag is not well formed.
2) same thing is occures in opened property dialog also.
3) in image uploading dialog overwrite file if exists checbox is not working in Firefox. i have checked in Firefox v3.0.4 in windows & mac both.for more details check attached image.
4) I have added a button on toolbar for editor. which will load editor with advanced option for editor. this option is not working on local & our sandbox. but its working fine on our live server. you can check this on following site.
logon with following credential.
Email Id : demo@telerik.com
password : demo
after logon go to manage of link module at bottom of the page. there on add module u can find editor.
where u can find button with star icon. check it.
5) when select on table in editor if table have no property defined like cellspacing,cellpadding..... then properties shown in below pan is weired. check in attached image.
can u please help me to solve this bugs without upgradaing new versions.
i have upgraded telerik many times after radeditor.net. every time i have updated to latest controlls i found new bug to solve. to solve that issue i have been called to upgradae to next version. it is really waste of resources & time to upgrade next version of telerik just for solving issue raised by our clients. which is really non proffessional way to handle client.
i hope my probelm will be understood.
hopping earlier & positive reply
thanx & regards,
Mukesh Chudasama