I have this column in a grid:
<telerik:GridDateTimeColumn DataField="empfangen" HeaderText="Empfangen" SortExpression="empfangen" UniqueName="empfangen" DataType="System.DateTime" ShowFilterIcon="False" ReadOnly="True" AllowFiltering="True" />
and i must disable the filtering calendar -> AllowFiltering="False" with Formdecorator turned on and using IE8.
(no problem with IE7 or 9 or FF)
Error is Javascript error on line 276 of RadFormDecorator.js -> 'r.height=n+"px";'
Versioninfo: Telerik.Web.UI, v.2012.3.1016.40 (Dev) [Download] (UI Language mostly German)
does any other out there have this problem? is it possible to turn of filter for IE8 only?
regards Marcel