I'm trying to use formatted RadToolTips in a RadScheduler. I've implmented tooltips like those shown in the Examples (http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/scheduler/examples/radtooltip/defaultvb.aspx), but this approach is apparently limited to working with the properties of the appointment, and I need to work with columns from a database.
You can see an example of what I'm doing by:
1. Go to: http://comsimplicity.com/WLAC/ScheduleOfClasses.aspx
2. Select the first three checkboxes in the far right "PLANNER" column of the grid
3. Click on the "2 MyPlanner" tab, top center of page
4. This will open the MyPlanner page. This has
- a RadScheduler
- a "Time: TBA" list to the right of the RadScheduler
5. Hover your mouse over the "ACCTG 002" item in the "Time: TBA" list
6. Hover over the "ACCTG 001" appointment in the RadScheduler, note the lack of formatting.
What we want is for the RadScheduler tooltips to look like the "Time: TBA" tooltips.
Can you can suggest an approach to this, or better yet, point me to an example of how this might be done?
(One thing we don't absolutely need is the AJAX which I got from the Example page.)