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Formatting not working properly in Editor

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Deobrat asked on 06 Feb 2009, 08:47 AM

We are using the RadEditor for composing email in one of our applications. While most of the times, it works fine, we are encountering formatting issues when the user tries to copy formatted text from multiple sources (websites, word document, excel spreadsheet) into a single email.

·         A user may copy/paste information from a Web site, then from a Word document, then from Excel, and then from another e-mail all into application to compose their email. Formatting looks great prior to sending, but after sending font can change to a different color (red) and additional line breaks are added.

·         Often times users will copy/paste data from a source (Web site, Word, etc) into notepad to strip html tags or formatting, then paste into the editor. But formatting is still altered after sending mail from the application.

We are not modifying the text that we get from the Editor, yet, the formatting changes.

Does anyone have any ideas around this?

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Telerik team
answered on 09 Feb 2009, 05:25 PM
Hi Deobrat,

Could you please open a support ticket and send a sample word document for test, screenshots of the problem and steps to reproduce the problem? If possible attach also a sample video demonstrating the complete process of pasting, sending and displaying the content.

Please, also try to reproduce it online using the following example: Save in External File.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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