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Force RadEditor to a Specific Browser Version

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Bre asked on 05 Dec 2013, 06:07 PM

We are using Telerik RadControls for ASP.NET Ajax version 2013.1.403.40 in an ASP.NET 4.0 web application being viewed in IE8 browsers.

The Document Mode of the browser gets set (via X-UA-Compatible) to IE8 Standards, but since we are on an intranet that we don't control, the Browser Mode is stuck on IE8 Compatibility View, meaning that the userAgent string and other navigator properties report the browser as IE7.

We get a Javascript crash in RadEditor when hitting Enter in a blank list item (which should remove the list item and take the editor back to normal text). We've tried to isolate the code that is interacting badly, but there's a lot of CSS and Javascript so we've had no luck with that. However, if I set the Browser Mode to IE8 in the Developer Tools, there's no crash.

RadEditor's Javascript code seems to be using navigator object properties to determine the browser version, so we've constructed a kludge in which we spoof the navigator object globally to report as IE8. This also fixes the crash, but it isn't a very future-proof solution.

Is there any way around this situation? For example, is there some way to force RadEditor to a particular browser version, or can a custom build be made that does this? We are also going to experiment with newer versions of RadControls, but I'm not confident that this won't introduce different issues related to the browser version confusion, so I'm hoping for a more definitive solution.

Thank you for your time,

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answered on 10 Dec 2013, 12:50 PM
Hi Breanne,

I tried to reproduce the problem you described, but to no avail. Please check the screen capture that shows the behavior of the RadEditor on my end and let me know if I am missing something: I have also attached the test page so that you can compare it with your actual setup for differences.

Please ensure that the problem stems from the editor and not from custom scripts on the page, because you mentioned JavaScript and CSS code in your post. Try the same steps on the page I attached and let me know how it goes.

Note that currently I am guessing as to what your setup is. In order to help you resolve the problem I need to determine whether it is related to the RadEditor and to reproduce it locally. For this purpose, please try modifying the attached sample page so that the problem can be reproduced or send a fully runnable project that isolates the scenario.

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