Hi all, I’m currently using RadCalender for C#....
I want a dynamic functionality for my calendar..... I want "FirstNavigation = False" for the particular pages and for the rest pages the "FirstNavigation = True" .... ..[ That means....For few pages....the calendar should show current and previous month and not current and next month.....] how will I achieve this please guide me.... My settings are
telerik:radcalendar id="RadCalendar1" runat="server" Skin="Vista" AutoPostBack="true" TitleFormat = "MMM yyyy" TitleAlign="Center" TitleStyle-Width="100%" MultiViewColumns="1" MultiViewRows="2" Height="7px" EnableMultiSelect="false" ShowOtherMonthsDays="false" Width="10px" ShowRowHeaders="false" <SelectedDayStyle Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" BackColor="Transparent"></SelectedDayStyle> <TitleStyle Font-Bold="True" BorderColor="Black" BackColor="#999999" Width="100%"></TitleStyle> </telerik:radcalendar>