When the fonts dropdown is visible and then zoom the page, its doesn't align properly. https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx
Will it be possible to keep it under under the controls that triggered it.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Lakpa,
Thank you for reporting this annoying behavior of the editor dropdowns in the live demos app.
I wasn't able to reproduce it on a blank page, but only in the demo app.
Nevertheless, you can easily fix it with the help of the following JavaScript code:
<telerik:RadEditor id="RadEditor1" runat="server"></telerik:RadEditor>
window.onresize = function (ev) {
if (ev.type == "resize" && $telerik.$(".reDropDownBody:visible")[0] && $telerik.$(".reDropDownBody:visible")[0].PopupBehavior && $telerik.$(".reDropDownBody:visible")[0].PopupBehavior.get_parentElement()) {
var dropdown = $telerik.$(".reDropDownBody:visible")[0].PopupBehavior.get_parentElement().control;
Progress Telerik
Hi Rumen,
On resize, at some zoom level the dropdownBody isn't aligned properly. Please see the attached image. Tested on Chrome.
Thank you for the screenshot!
The provided code works properly with the live demos of RadEditor.
Can you please isolate the issue in a simple aspx page and send the page contents so that I can reproduce it?
The problem is due to some CSS styling and the position of RadEditor on the page. Once I am able to reproduce it I will be able to research it further.
Progress Telerik
When I created a demo project with just RadEditor then on zoom it seems to be working fine. It doesn't even require windows resize function. Seems like the problem is on our side.
Thank you.
It is something related to the positioning of the editor on the page. Look for position: absolute, top, left properties in the CSS or other CSS properties. You can start to exclude the CSS classes and inline styles one by one from the page to see which one is causing the trouble.
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