I am wondering i Have a advanced insert template that i am using and inside of this advanced insert template the user will have two options make a group event or individual event.How do I change the visiblity one of the 2 tables that have the rest of the information they must fill in for the appointment. my code currently is this and i am getting object null cause it can't find the control.
I am wondering i Have a advanced insert template that i am using and inside of this advanced insert template the user will have two options make a group event or individual event.How do I change the visiblity one of the 2 tables that have the rest of the information they must fill in for the appointment. my code currently is this and i am getting object null cause it can't find the control.
Protected Sub ddlapptType_OnSelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)
Dim ddl As DropDownList = sender
Dim tbl As Table = RadScheduler1.FindControl("tblGropuInsert")
If ddl.SelectedValue = 1 Then
//this is where i want to make the group insert table visible
End If
End Sub