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Filtering table rows

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Athul asked on 30 Apr 2019, 07:26 AM
  • I have a report with a table in the detail section inside a Group: Location. Both the report and the table have the same data source which is specified through code. I am using a filter in the table to get the entries by the Location in the group (Fields.Location = ReportItem.Parent.DataObject.Location). While the table is getting filtered, the rows are repeating which is not desirable. Is this the proper way to do this kind of filtering?


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    answered on 02 May 2019, 01:17 PM
    Hi Athul,

    The detail section is rendered as many times as the number of the data records when a data source is added to the report. If the Table and the report are both bound to data (Report.DataSource is set in order to use the fields from the data source outside of the table) and the table is inside the Detail section it will be repeated (with the headers) for every row in the report's data source. For that reason, I would recommend to either remove the datasource of the report or move the table into a group header or footer (the group can be static). 

    I noticed that you have related question here: Please review my answer and let me know if you have any further questions.

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