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Row groups in a table in grouped detail section

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Athul asked on 29 Apr 2019, 11:28 AM

I am trying to get a report like this:

Group A
GroupB.1 item1 item2
                item3 item4
GroupB.2 item5 item6
                item7 item8

For this, I have a group and inside the detail section a table which has a binding DataSource =ReportItem.DataObject. But the row grouping seems to be not working. When I give the same data source directly to the table though, I get row grouping but without the report grouping. Is there any way to achieve this?

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answered on 02 May 2019, 08:53 AM
Hello Athul,

If I understood correctly, you have one group header with grouping by some field (Group A) and table inside detail section which reuses the report's data source and has row group by other field (Group B). We are not sure why row grouping is not working though. In the described case, the output would be each report group rendered along with repeated table (with the headers) for every row in the report's data source. If that is the case, please consider the suggested approach below.

In order to get rid of the repeating Tables, but having report's DataSource set, I can suggest to move the whole Table item to a report section that doesn't duplicate - such as group headers or footers of a static group. In this case, as in the attached report, the following approach is applied:
1) Assign the datasource of the Report itself.
2) Create dynamic groupHeaderSection grouped by =Fields.Country;
3) Add a new static group and place the table there.
4) The table should be reusing parent's data source using =ReportItem.DataObject expression.

For more information refer to Report Structure article.
Please review the provided sample and let us know if this works for your scenario. Consider opening a new support ticket, where you can provide your report definition, if the case is different.

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answered on 02 May 2019, 04:50 PM
Hi Neli,

The report sample you mentioned is not attached. Anyways, it's not possible for me to move the table out of the details section because that would not meet the requirements. What I would like is a way to filter the items in the table so that it is matched to group A only once. Also, I need a group-wise total table which should take the same data source as the report. I have mentioned this in another ticket for which you replied. Can you think of a solution for this?

Telerik team
answered on 03 May 2019, 08:37 AM
Hi Athul,

I am sorry for the inconvenience. Please, find the attached report.

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