I have a radgrid in which I create a table and assign it to the Controls for an item in the Itemdatabound event as below.
I want to filter the PayoutType column based on a given list (ex , Retirement, Termination, Withdrawal). The table cell can any number of these values for one row. But since it is not bound to a database column I am unable to filter it.
Could you tell me how I can fiter in this scenario?
I want to filter the PayoutType column based on a given list (ex , Retirement, Termination, Withdrawal). The table cell can any number of these values for one row. But since it is not bound to a database column I am unable to filter it.
Could you tell me how I can fiter in this scenario?
protected void rgPayoutElections_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridDataItem)
GridDataItem item = e.Item as GridDataItem;
int accountID = Int32.Parse(item.GetDataKeyValue("AccountID").ToString());
DataRow[] dr = PayoutElection.GetPayouts_ByAccount_ListByParticipant(Int32.Parse(Profile.ParticipantID), accountID);
Table tblPayoutType = new Table();
foreach (DataRow row in dr)
TableRow trPayoutType = new TableRow();
TableCell cellPayoutType = new TableCell();
cellPayoutType.Text = row["PayoutType"].ToString();
cellPayoutType.CssClass = "textRed";