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Filtering on multiple column from one filter

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Hugues asked on 09 Feb 2009, 09:07 PM
Is it possible to filter on multiple - hidden - columns (or DataValueKey) base on one column filter?

On top of that, I'd like this to operate seemlessly with the other filter in the grid.

The column on which I need this, represents a group in a hierarchy of groups. When the user selects a group, I want the itema in that group or any groups under that group (three levels deep) to be displayed.

Supposing I can get the complete hierarchy of groups for each item in 3 columns (hidden) could I filter each column with an OR without disrupting the other filter?


Hugues Ferland

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answered on 12 Feb 2009, 01:02 PM
Hi Hugues,

Unfortunately I am not sure whether you would like to implement grouping for your grid or define the FilterExpression for its master table manually as explained here. You may also consider combining both approaches to attain the desired result.

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