I am having issue in implementing the RadCombobox filter from server side. I am binding the Radcombobox to the need datasource. But no luck in making the filters work. If I tried doing the static Combobox list and call with javascript it is ok. But I have to implement it from the server side.
Anyhelp will be much appreciated. I searched the forums, but couldn't find a demo using the need datasource for the MVC pattern.
When I binded RadComboBox with collection (List) in the code behind..
The filtering didn't work.. I binded the RadComboBox in
GridItemDataBound or GridItemCreated event.. But no luck..
Any help.. will be very much useful to me.. I spent nearly two days but I
didn't any direction... I'm nearing to my deadline.. so I have no other
option left out other than this forum..