I'm having some trouble with my filter template on a GridDatetimeColumn. It's happenig only when I try the Between or NotBetween function.
The thing is:
I can normally call the method filter() from the table view client object.
I have all parameters like this example:
// columnUnique = 'dateColumn'
// value = '01/12/2015 31/12/2015'
// cont = 11 (Between function from the Telerik.Web.UI.GridFilterFunction.Between)
tableView.filter(columnUnique, value, cond,
When this method is called, it's not fired to the server.
If I change the function to something like EqualsTo (in this case, the 31/12/2015 part is omitted and only the first part is used), the same method works fine.
In the grid setup, I set all date columns to EnableRangeFiltering = true;
I also tried the grid without my filter template to check the built-in funtion. That way, the command was fired on the server and the value was just like the example. ('01/12/2015 31/12/2015')
I need to use the template because of some requirements and the date column's is the only one that's giving more trouble.
Thanks for the help