it is possible to filter a RadComboBox based on another RadComboBox?
Actually this is the situation:
I have two RadComboBox
Progetto: <
E' sottoargomento di: <
I want that the values in "comboSottoArgomento" is filter, based on the value selected in comboProgetto.
Is this possible?
Actually both RadComboBoxes are filled from a mysql database and there is a foreign key that bound the fields.
Sorry for my english
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
As I understand you want to create a relation between two RadComboBox controls - to populate second control with data according the selected value at the first control.
Please take a look at our “Related ComboBoxes” online demo.
the Telerik team
I've tried in this way Kalina, but it's very slow (spinning wheel stays on screen a lot).
Do you have idea why?
Also, the 3rd combo does not have the spinning wheel, and I don't know why.
Hi Ciupaz,
Here is an example for creating Cascading ComboBoxes using CheckBoxes:
Markup - ComboBoxes
<telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server">
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnLoad="RadComboBox1_Load" OnSelectedIndexChanged="RadComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged" EmptyMessage="Select a Continent">
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox2" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" EmptyMessage="Select a Country" CheckBoxes="true" OnItemChecked="RadComboBox2_ItemChecked">
<telerik:RadComboBox ID="RadComboBox3" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" EmptyMessage="Select a City">
C# - code behind
protected void RadComboBox1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
var combo = (sender as RadComboBox);
combo.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 3).Select(x => new { value = x, text = "Continent " + x });
combo.DataTextField = "text";
combo.DataValueField = "value";
protected void RadComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
RadComboBox2.DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 3).Select(x => new { value = x, text = "Continent " + e.Value.ToString() + " Country " + x }); ;
RadComboBox2.DataTextField = "text";
RadComboBox2.DataValueField = "value";
private List<dynamic> Cities()
var cities = new List<dynamic>();
cities.Add(new { value = 1, countrtyId = 1, text = "Country 1, City 1" });
cities.Add(new { value = 2, countrtyId = 1, text = "Country 1, City 2" });
cities.Add(new { value = 3, countrtyId = 1, text = "Country 1, City 3" });
cities.Add(new { value = 4, countrtyId = 2, text = "Country 2, City 1" });
cities.Add(new { value = 5, countrtyId = 2, text = "Country 2, City 2" });
cities.Add(new { value = 6, countrtyId = 2, text = "Country 2, City 3" });
cities.Add(new { value = 7, countrtyId = 3, text = "Country 3, City 1" });
cities.Add(new { value = 8, countrtyId = 3, text = "Country 3, City 2" });
cities.Add(new { value = 9, countrtyId = 3, text = "Country 3, City 3" });
return cities;
protected void RadComboBox2_ItemChecked(object sender, RadComboBoxItemEventArgs e)
var combo = (sender as RadComboBox);
List<string> selectedCountries = new List<string>();
foreach (var checkedItem in combo.CheckedItems)
RadComboBox3.DataSource = Cities().Where(x => selectedCountries.Contains(Convert.ToString(x.countrtyId)));
RadComboBox3.DataTextField = "text";
RadComboBox3.DataValueField = "value";
Documentation for the APIs used in this scenario can be found below:
- RadComboBox Server-Side Events
- RadComboBox - SelectedIndexChanged
- RadComboBox -ItemChecked
- RadComboBox - Data Binding Overview
- Enumerable Class
- List<T> Class
Kind regards,
Attila Antal
Progress Telerik
A little adding Attila.
How can I add a spinning wheel - or something similar - in the meantime that one combo gets data from DB?
In my case, after selected one value from one combo, the following take several seconds to show results.
Hi Luigi,
I have already shared my answer in your support ticket and I am sharing it again here. To enable loading indicators for the Controls while they do actions on the server, you can enable AJAX, see RadAjaxManager - Telerik ASP.NET AjaxManager
You can then set up a Loading panel that will be engaged during an AJAX request. This Loading panel can be customized to display any losing animation of your choice, by using Templates, see AjaxLoadingPanel - Templates and Transparency
Kind regards,
Attila Antal
Progress Telerik