I always thought it was a pretty poor and lazy design decision to have the rad filter menu contain run-on gobbledygook like "GreaterThanOrEqualTo" displayed to the user. And now looking at the Metro skin, it seems Telerik has taken this to a whole new level of poor design by having all-caps stuff like "GREATERTHANOREQUALTO". Now, I'm sure there are folks out there (likely those who think Visual studio 2012 is beautiful) who believe this is great and represents the evolution of UI design. But for the rest of us who aren't as advanced in the design world, would it be possible to provide a simple way of presenting users with a normal, or better yet "classic", interface which doesn't look like the result of a developer whose keyboard is malfunctioning? Phrases have spaces in them. Its how human language has developed over the course of hundreds of thousands of years. Why change now?