I currently have a RadGrid in the drop down of a RadComboBox.
I turned on the filtering of the columns and hid the button because I need the grid to filter on keyress so using java to assist with this.
function Filter(colName, filtertxt) {
var filterTxt = document.getElementById(filtertxt);
var MasterTable = $find("<%= ddlProductClass.Items[0].FindControl("grdProductClass").ClientID %>").get_masterTableView();
var hidden = document.getElementById('<%= Hidden1.ClientID %>');
hidden.value = colName;
if (filterTxt.value.length > 0) {
MasterTable.filter(colName, filterTxt.value, Telerik.Web.UI.GridFilterFunction.StartsWith);
MasterTable.filter(colName, filterTxt.value, Telerik.Web.UI.GridFilterFunction.NoFilter);
function FocusFilter(filter) {
var input = document.getElementById(filter);
if (input.createTextRange) {
var FieldRange = input.createTextRange();
FieldRange.moveStart('character', input.value.length);
code found from another sample. My issue is when I start typing in the filter box I get 1 or 2 characters in and the page acts like it does a post back (flickers) and combobox drop down closes. If I open the drop down my records are filtered based on what I typed in.
Any suggestions?