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Filter anomaly

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Scott asked on 02 Apr 2010, 04:06 PM
Hello, I have a radgrid (v2009.3.1314.35) that is being bound by NeedDataSource to an NHibernate object.  It has column sorting turned on and that works fine.  I am trying to get the filtering working but I'm having a problem.  The columns that have int and decimal data types are filtering fine, but the ones with dates and strings are not.  When my code hits the NeedDataSource method the string column I am trying to filter seems to recognize the CurrentFilterValue and CurrentFilterType as what I typed in and selected in the grid.  After selecting the filter my loading panel fires but the grid remains unchanged. 

Does anyone have any ideas as to what could cause this?  I assume it is very close since it works with int and decimals, but I can't figure this out.  If I have to I guess I can go to using the ItemCommand event and manually filter, but I would rather not.  Oh, speaking of that I do have an ItemCommand event for my delete buttons, but there is nothing in it about filtering right now. 

Thanks in advance for your help with this.

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answered on 02 Apr 2010, 05:34 PM
Nevermind.  Turns out I had to turn the EnableLinqExpressions to false.  Now it filters fine.
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