I'm trying to dynamically create multiple asyncupload controls. The creation happens without problems. When I try to send the files to the folder, they are not sent. I made some basic settings but I was not able to identify the problem.
There is no error return, just does not send the file to the folder.
Note: the file is loaded in the temporary folder.
I ask for help, please.
My code below.
Sub CarregaItensLicitacao(lcID As String)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(lcID) Then
Dim strSQL As String = Vazio
strSQL += " select *"
strSQL += " from ItemLicitacao"
strSQL += " where"
strSQL += " ilLcID in ("
strSQL += lcID
strSQL += " )"
Dim lc As New Licitacaocliente
Dim dt As New DataTable
ExecutaSQL(strSQL, dt)
Dim c As Integer = 1
For Each Item As DataRow In dt.Rows
If Not Directory.Exists(lc.lcDiretorio & "\Itens\" & Item("ilDescricao")) Then
Directory.CreateDirectory(lc.lcDiretorio & "\Itens\" & Item("ilDescricao"))
End If
Dim upload As New RadAsyncUpload()
upload.ID = "upload" & c
upload.TargetFolder = lc.lcDiretorio & "\Itens\" & Item("ilDescricao")
Dim lbl As New Label
lbl.Text = Item("ilDescricao")
RadAjaxManager1.AjaxSettings.AddAjaxSetting(btnEnviarItem, upload, Nothing)
c += 1
End If
End Sub