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FileExplorer Upload Dialog - custom field

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michelle asked on 13 Oct 2010, 08:19 PM
Is it possible to add a custom field to the upload dialog that displays within the FileExplorer when a filed is selected for upload?  The requirement is to display a category dropdown list next to each selected filename on the upload dialog.  The user will choose a category to assign to the selected file.  Clicking submit will upload the selected files to a file server, and update a SQL database with the filename and category. 


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answered on 19 Oct 2010, 10:52 AM
Hello Michelle,

You can use the approach shown in the project attached to my reply in this forum thread. You need to get reference to the DropDown and add it inside the Upload dialog, instead of creating a new input (as shown in the project). Also you can use the provided server-side code (OnItemCommand event) in order to update your database.

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