Ok, so here is my dilemma. I have read through all the posts on here that are tagged with "FileExists". My upload control allows multiple files to be uploaded. This is tied to a form with other data. When the user clicks submit I need to submit the other data to a database and then I need to iterate through all of the files and insert records for each of those with the filename of the file on the server. Soooooo...if I hook up to RadUpload.FileExists and rename the file, how am I going to go through and insert records for each file with accurate names? I have heard suggestions to build a collection of strings. My question is with what?? I could easily create a collection of all the files that had to be renamed with their new names but that is not ALL of the files that were uploaded, it is just the ones that had to be renamed. So then I could iterate through the UploadedFiles collection but the problem with that is that it is going to also return the files that had to be renamed. Get what I am saying? End game: I just want to be able to insert a record into the DB for each file that is uploaded with the correct file name.