File Browser upload entire folder

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Drag and Drop File Saver
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Zeeshan asked on 31 Oct 2023, 02:28 PM
We are exploring the KendoReact library and are specifically interested in file manager toolbar component, and we are wondering if there is a provision to upload the folder via drag and drop.

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Nov 2023, 08:07 AM

Hello, Zeeshan,

The file manager uses the KendoReact Upload component for uploading the files. The component only supports file upload but we have a feature request in our feedback portal for implementing the directory upload feature. It is currently in an unplanned stage, therefore, I added a vote on your behalf in order to increase its priority:

In addition, we have a GitHub issue for exposing the `onDrop` event for the Upload component which would make it possible to allow directory upload by dropping a folder into the component. I added your report to the issue in order to increase its priority:

If you have any further questions on this matter, please let me know.

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Drag and Drop File Saver
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