In our project we are working on a page built using vb.net, asp.net, telerik contorls. In this we have used 8 Telerik grids which are depended on each other. If we change some value in a row the others grids need to refresh with changed value. Below are the keyponints which we have done so far on this page:
Use lot of custom css for the whole page and grids in it.
Frozen coloums feature has been applied on all grids
Grids are dependent, so need to render the all gird if user change some value in row of a grid and save it. (Lot of Ajaxifying)
When user does a minor operation like edit a rown of a grid, there is a lot of DOM manipulation.
Browser we are using to run the app is IE 8 with compatibility mode(IE7 Doc standards)
Complex buisiness logic written for the grids on server as well as client side.
8 radgrid on the page.
When user does any partial postback like save/delete/edit/add in a grid it takes around 3, 4 seconds to render the page (Request-Response-Rendering time).
Columns width are changed at runtime by javascript for all grids.
All grids have view state enabled.
Everything is on one page, didn't use user control. vb.net file is around 30K LOC(Maintained in Partial Classes), HTML page is around 4K LOC, javascript file is around 5K LOC.
RadCompression is applied.
All scripts are added in the RadScriptManager->Scripts collection.
I know that looking at the number of lines and complexe business logic it wont be possible for anyone to just guess what could be done.
But I am asking this because the 4-5 seconds time is taken for any partial postback done. So I think there might be some tweaks that could be done on the server code to improve the server response.
I would really appreciate if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the page performace. The expected time is from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
In our project we are working on a page built using vb.net, asp.net, telerik contorls. In this we have used 8 Telerik grids which are depended on each other. If we change some value in a row the others grids need to refresh with changed value. Below are the keyponints which we have done so far on this page:
Use lot of custom css for the whole page and grids in it.
Frozen coloums feature has been applied on all grids
Grids are dependent, so need to render the all gird if user change some value in row of a grid and save it. (Lot of Ajaxifying)
When user does a minor operation like edit a rown of a grid, there is a lot of DOM manipulation.
Browser we are using to run the app is IE 8 with compatibility mode(IE7 Doc standards)
Complex buisiness logic written for the grids on server as well as client side.
8 radgrid on the page.
When user does any partial postback like save/delete/edit/add in a grid it takes around 3, 4 seconds to render the page (Request-Response-Rendering time).
Columns width are changed at runtime by javascript for all grids.
All grids have view state enabled.
Everything is on one page, didn't use user control. vb.net file is around 30K LOC(Maintained in Partial Classes), HTML page is around 4K LOC, javascript file is around 5K LOC.
RadCompression is applied.
All scripts are added in the RadScriptManager->Scripts collection.
I know that looking at the number of lines and complexe business logic it wont be possible for anyone to just guess what could be done.
But I am asking this because the 4-5 seconds time is taken for any partial postback done. So I think there might be some tweaks that could be done on the server code to improve the server response.
I would really appreciate if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the page performace. The expected time is from 1 to 1.5 seconds.