Hi iam trying to extract part of a Radgrid and display it as simple html in a RadEditor (iam then going to allow my users to send this as an email.
However my problem arises with columns using
these does not hold the result data in the Text property.
How can i make this possible ?
Is there any easier way for me to achieve my goal ?
However my problem arises with columns using
# string.Format("{0} {1}",DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ingredient_parcelquantity") ,DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "parcel_unit"))%>
these does not hold the result data in the Text property.
How can i make this possible ?
Is there any easier way for me to achieve my goal ?
HtmlTable mTable = new HtmlTable(); |
System.IO.StringWriter s = new System.IO.StringWriter(); |
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(s); |
foreach (GridDataItem a in RadGrid_Ingredient.SelectedItems) |
{ |
HtmlTableRow tr = new HtmlTableRow(); |
for (int i = 5; i < 19; i++) |
{ |
HtmlTableCell tc = new HtmlTableCell(); |
tc.InnerHtml = a.Cells[i].Text; |
tr.Cells.Add(tc); |
} |
mTable.Rows.Add(tr); |
} |
mTable.RenderControl(htw); |
RadEditor1.Content = s.ToString(); |