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Export to Excel hidden columns

10 Answers 1968 Views
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Dario Zanelli
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Dario Zanelli asked on 12 Feb 2010, 03:57 PM
Hi all!
I need to export to an excel file the content of my RadGrid.
The exporting is working fine, but I have some hidden columns that aren't exported.
I have tried like follows to make visible those columns, but it doesn't work. If I make not visible a column that is visible instead it is working.

        protected void mngBtnExcel_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("Process").Visible = true;
            this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("SubprocessDescr").Visible = true;
            this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("EditCommandColumn").Visible = false;

            this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true;
            this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = true;
            this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;

            this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.GetColumn("Process").Visible = false;
            this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.GetColumn("SubprocessDescr").Visible = false;

The columns "Process" nad "SubProcessDescr" are not visible, but I need to export them.
Thanks and best regards.


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answered on 12 Feb 2010, 04:55 PM
Whenever you hide/unhide columns the best property to use would be "Display" as opposed to "Visible". The Display properly simply changes the style while the Visible can be used if you wish to not render the columns. I think if you replace all of your visible's with display this might help you.
Dario Zanelli
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answered on 15 Feb 2010, 08:20 AM
Hi Schlurk!
Thanks for your answer. I tried but it doesn't work. Here there is my code:

protected void mngBtnExcel_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("Process").Display = true;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("SubprocessDescr").Display = true;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("EditCommandColumn").Display = false;

    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true;
    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = true;
    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;

    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("Process").Display = false;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("SubprocessDescr").Display = false;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.Columns.FindByUniqueName("EditCommandColumn").Display = true;

The resulting file doesn't show the columns "Process" and "SubprocessDescr" and shows the "EditCommandColumn"

Is there another way to select the columns that I need?

Best regards,

Dario Zanelli

Telerik team
answered on 17 Feb 2010, 09:08 PM
Hello Dario,

You shouldn't have to change the state of the columns after exporting since this code will affect the exported file only. Please try the following approach:
protected void mngBtnExcel_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.GetColumn("Process").Display = true;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.GetColumn("SubprocessDescr").Display = true;
    this.grdRcm.MasterTableView.GetColumn("EditCommandColumn").Display = false;
    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true;
    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = true;
    this.grdRcm.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;

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Amy Liu
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answered on 26 Aug 2011, 04:04 PM
A simple question: I used the image in the grid. How can I put the code in the image click event?
I used GridExporting event and put the display=true code inside. It seem to me that it doesn't work.
 Is it a click event also ? where?


Telerik team
answered on 31 Aug 2011, 09:55 PM
Hello Amy,

I suppose you mean that you export the control via the built-in image buttons. If this is so, I would recommend that you hide/show the desired columns within the ItemCommand event when e.CommandName is equal to "ExportToExcel".

Best regards,
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answered on 09 Sep 2011, 02:09 AM
Hi Daniel,
I too am handling this scenario - using the default Export button in the Command item for the grid.
Following your final advice of changing the Display of the columns in the ItemCommand event, I have found that this affects the Grid when it is refreshed.  Basically, the columns to be shown only in the export get shown to the grid in the page.
This is undesireable.
I have tried to change the Display property in the radgrids GridExporting event, but it seems that this is too late in the cycle, as none of the changes take affect in the resulting Excel document.
Any tips on when to re-hide the columns??
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answered on 09 Sep 2011, 05:12 AM
Just thought I'd put up my work around for this. Though it does seem a little clunky.
void rg_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
            if (e.CommandName == "ExportToExcel")
                RadGrid rg = (RadGrid)sender;
                rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("CountOfRespDone").Display = true;
                rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("TotalOfResp").Display = true;
                rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("RespToDo").Display = true;

Now if this is left as is, the columns become visible once the grid is refreshed, so we fix this up in the prerender :
void rg_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadGrid rg = (RadGrid)sender;
    rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("CountOfRespDone").Display = false;
    rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("TotalOfResp").Display = false;
    rg.MasterTableView.GetColumn("RespToDo").Display = false;
    rg.ClientSettings.Scrolling.UseStaticHeaders = true;

You can see that I am setting UseStaticHeaders to true here.  My grid has this value set on creation, but it gets lost after the export has occurred.  Is this a bug??

Hope this helps.

Telerik team
answered on 14 Sep 2011, 10:39 AM
Hello Steele,

I'm unable to recreate this scenario. Please download the attached demo and see what is missing. I would appreciate it, if you could modify this project to help me reproduce the problem.

Best regards,
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answered on 22 Apr 2015, 10:32 AM
Export to excel in radgrid but there without using CommandItemDisplay="Top" i am not able to see export button when i use CommandItemDisplay="Top" than it show Edit on left side on the top side i have not req- that how to hide this please help me.....
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answered on 19 Sep 2016, 06:32 AM
Thank u so much for your Answer , It works !!!
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Dario Zanelli
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Dario Zanelli
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Telerik team
Amy Liu
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