I am trying to Export RadGrid Data to Excel 2007(.xlsx) using ToHtml() method. It is saving the file, but the file is not opened in the Office. Also If I Export to Excel 97-2000 format (.xls) I am getting a warning message about format while opening the file, but i am able to check the file after clicking 'yes'. Is there any way to solve these? Also can I Export the Grid to PDF directly? Please tell me how i can achieve all these requirements.
17 Answers, 1 is accepted
The grid can be exported to HTML, ExcelML, CSV and tab-delimited text only. You can open both HTML and ExcelML in Excel 2007 however if the extension is xls you will get warning since this is not the native Excel 2007 format.
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the Telerik team
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With your reply, I understand that there is no support for pdf export with in wpf radgrid, as there is for ASP.Net RadGrid. Can I Export to .xlsx format? or even this is not supported?
Currently there is no native xlsx export.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Any update on native xlsx exporting support?
This is still not supported. Once we have it we will update our demos, documentation, etc. - unfortunately we cannot provide any exact release date for this for now.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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any news in supporting Excel 2007?
We start a new project which requires Excel 2007 support. Now we're looking for an appropriate tool.
Unfortunately export to Excel 2007 is still not supported and currently we do not have any specific release
date for this feature.
the Telerik team

This is still not supported from the grid native export. Indeed we have plans to provide this out-of-the-box using RadDocument (please check the PDF export demo in our QSF) later this year however we cannot commit any specific date.
All the best,Vlad
the Telerik team

How about now? Export to Excel 2007/2010 still not supported? If not, any plans yet?
RadGrid export to excel with warning message
My requirement is the warning message not show.
Please give solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,

Is any update?. I want to export to excel 2007 from radgridview.
Next week with the official Q1 2013 we will release the CTP version of our brand new component RadSpreadSheet and we will do our best top include demo for RadGridView exporting to XLSX for the first service pack (middle of March most probably).
All the best,Vlad
the Telerik team
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I need a quick update on Exporting RadGridView in xlsx format.
Please let me know if there are any updates.
The best option we can currently suggest is exporting with RadSpreadSheet creating a RadWorkBook as demonstrated on this blog post: http://blogs.telerik.com/vladimirenchev/posts/13-04-22/how-to-quick-export-to-excel-%28xlsx%29-for-wpf-and-silverlight.
I hope this helps.
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Is there a better way of doing this now?
Didie's suggestion on using RadSpreadSheet works on exporting data. However, the RowSytle and CellStyle applied on the Grid are not exported.
For more advanced exporting options you can use the Telerik Reporting product. You can check its online documentation here.