I am using Rad Editor in my application and i want to export the content of editor (that includes images as well as text) to the doc file at server. Also the formating remains unchange in the Doc file.
Please suggest how i can implement this.
To the best of my knowledge there is no specific setting to export to Doc format. You can save to an external html file or even export to PDF, but looking through the documentation I can't find anything about saving to that fantastic Doc format.
Telerik team
answered on 11 Mar 2009, 04:44 PM
Hi Vikram,
RadEditor is a standard HTML/XHTML editor and it does not offer the requested RTF / Word import and export support out-of-the box, because the browser does not support this types of formatting itself.
In order to implement your scenario you should use some third party tool to convert the RTF / Word content to HTML markup and load it in RadEditor via its Content property. For your convenience I have found the following tools in Google: