Export chart into excel format, along with gird, export grid, chart into pdf both.

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Charts Excel Export Grid
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arun asked on 03 Jan 2022, 08:02 AM
Hi Team, 

i have required like Export chart into excel format, along with gird, export grid, chart into pdf both. is there any possbility using kendo-ui?

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Jan 2022, 07:28 AM

Hi Arun,

Thank you for the provided screenshots.

If I understand the questions correctly, the requirements are to export the Chart and Grid components in one Excel and PDF file(correct me if I am wrong). To export both components in one Excel file, the developer should construct a new custom Workbook that includes the desired data from the Chart and Grid.


Additional information on this method can be found in the following ticket - https://www.telerik.com/account/support-tickets/view-ticket/1547608

For the PDF requirement, the standalone PDF Export component should be used as demonstrated in the following example:


I hope this helps.

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Charts Excel Export Grid
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