I need assistance i'm trying to export from a radgrid but also i need to make an update after export, but seems that doesnt work no matter where i put the update radgrid exports the same query with no results on it.
let me give you more details i have a table and one column is exported wich can have 2 values "0" for not exported and "1" for items exported.
on my web page i can filter for date (start and end date) and i can include exported items, wich gives me 8 possible combinations. No matter wich select i use i want to export to excel items on grid using a button and also want to update items to make column exported value from 0 to 1
do you have any idea why i cant do this?
here is my button code.
protected void BTN_Exportar_SAP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lerror.Text = "";
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.FileName = "Proveedores(Formato SAP)";
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true;
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = false;
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = Session["Query"].ToString();
RadGrid2.Visible = true;
Session["DoUpdate"] = "1";
SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand = Session["Update"].ToString();
thanks in advanced.
I need assistance i'm trying to export from a radgrid but also i need to make an update after export, but seems that doesnt work no matter where i put the update radgrid exports the same query with no results on it.
let me give you more details i have a table and one column is exported wich can have 2 values "0" for not exported and "1" for items exported.
on my web page i can filter for date (start and end date) and i can include exported items, wich gives me 8 possible combinations. No matter wich select i use i want to export to excel items on grid using a button and also want to update items to make column exported value from 0 to 1
do you have any idea why i cant do this?
here is my button code.
protected void BTN_Exportar_SAP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lerror.Text = "";
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.FileName = "Proveedores(Formato SAP)";
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true;
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = false;
RadGrid2.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = Session["Query"].ToString();
RadGrid2.Visible = true;
Session["DoUpdate"] = "1";
SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand = Session["Update"].ToString();
thanks in advanced.