I have a little problem.
When I select an item and click the "expand" arrow of an other panel item, the previous item stays selected.
This is OK so far.
But - and here comes my problem - if the user "misses" the arrow and click the header instead, the selected item is lost (unselected).
The rest works as expected - so clicking the header expands / collapses the panel - like a click on the arrow.
Is it possible to expand the "arrow functionality" (expand collapse without "deselecting") to the whole header?
By the way - I don't even need the arrows - most users hate to "fiddle" with these little parts - they just click the header.
I have a little problem.
When I select an item and click the "expand" arrow of an other panel item, the previous item stays selected.
This is OK so far.
But - and here comes my problem - if the user "misses" the arrow and click the header instead, the selected item is lost (unselected).
The rest works as expected - so clicking the header expands / collapses the panel - like a click on the arrow.
Is it possible to expand the "arrow functionality" (expand collapse without "deselecting") to the whole header?
By the way - I don't even need the arrows - most users hate to "fiddle" with these little parts - they just click the header.