Hi all,
please show your support if you see the necesity in the above property, which allows you to choose the dropdown list floating direction
(left or right), and by this aligning it's right border to the input cell right border or its left border to the input cell left border.
Telerik said :
"Currently RadComboBox does not support this functionailty out-of-the-box. If the demand for it increases in the future we may consider incorporating it in the control."
see : http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/combobox/combobox-drop-down-location.aspx#718149
Thank you,
please show your support if you see the necesity in the above property, which allows you to choose the dropdown list floating direction
(left or right), and by this aligning it's right border to the input cell right border or its left border to the input cell left border.
Telerik said :
"Currently RadComboBox does not support this functionailty out-of-the-box. If the demand for it increases in the future we may consider incorporating it in the control."
see : http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/combobox/combobox-drop-down-location.aspx#718149
Thank you,