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_EVENTTARGET is null or not an object

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kieran asked on 05 Jan 2009, 06:28 PM

i have a webcustomcontrol that dynamically adds a file upload, a submit button, an image and various links to update the image via Ajax. all of these are wrapped in an RadAjaxPanel. The ajax bits owrk fine and the image gets updated and all via ajax. The upload button is registered with the ScriptManager on the parent page (which is passed into constructor of cusotmcontrol) as being a postback control rather than an ajax callback control - when user hits upload gets the above javascript message - any ideas?


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Telerik team
answered on 08 Jan 2009, 01:01 PM
Hello Kieran,

Does the error occur only when using our RadAjaxPanel or is generated when replacing it with plane MS UpdatePanel? Basically, if your logic is executed without issues when having regular update panel, it should operate as expected with our RadAjaxPanel (which is built on top of the MS UpdatePanel), too.

If the problem surfaces with RadAjaxPanel only, I will appreciate if you assemble a working version of your project and send it enclosed to a formal support ticket. I will familiarize with your code implementation and will do my best to provide more to-the-point answer/solution.

Best regards,
the Telerik team

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