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Events Are Cut Off

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Steven Fischer
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Rank 1
Steven Fischer asked on 04 Aug 2010, 07:12 PM

I'm having a wierd display error where certain calendar events are visually cut off (see screen shot).  I've investigated and found no difference in the data between ones that work and ones that done.  

I'm adding items to the calendar in C# using objects that inherit from IAppointmentData (see below).  

Has someone seen this before?  Thanks.


//map to appointment objects
foreach (DataRow row in events.Tables[0].Rows)
    DateTime startDate = (DateTime)row["Event_StartDate"];
    DateTime endDate = (DateTime)row["Event_EndDate"];
    if (startDate <= endDate)
        AppointmentData apt = new AppointmentData();
        apt.Start = startDate;
        apt.End = endDate;
        //apt.Attributes.Add("ProgramName", row["ProgramName"].ToString());
        apt.Description = row["ProgramName"].ToString();
        apt.Subject = "<b>" + row["Event_Title"].ToString() + "</b><br><i>" + row["ProgramName"].ToString() + "</i>";
        //apt.Description = row["Event_Description"].ToString();
        apt.ID = row["EventId"].ToString();
        if (!addedAppts.Contains(apt.ID.ToString()))

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Telerik team
answered on 10 Aug 2010, 09:45 AM
Hi Steven Fischer,

I tried to reproduce your case but in vain. In what browser does this happen?

Could you please send us the full code so we can inspect it and help you? You should open a support ticket and attach it there.

Thank you!

Best wishes,
Veronica Milcheva
the Telerik team
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Steven Fischer
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Telerik team
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