I have recently started a project using C# MVC and the related Telerik tools both of which I am very new to. This project has a requirement of using the ListView widget. I've taken the base project that is created when you start a new project and I am attempting to convert it to a ListView.
I've removed the Grid code and replaced it with the code from the ListView Demo after confirming that the project would launch without error. Below is the code that i have in the index.cshtml file.
"col-xs-18 col-md-12"
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.Read(read => read.Action("Orders_Read", "ListView"))
.Pageable(pageable => pageable
.PageSizes(new[] { 5, 15, 21 })
I have made a few minor changes but have come across these two issues with running the project. If I run the project without the debugger no data shows when IE launches. If I run the project using the IIS Express button in VS2017 I receive the attached error. I am thinking that I am making a new to the technology mistake but I am uncertain as where to start. A google search has not turned up any useful information yet. Has anyone attempted to complete something similar and overcome this error.
Thank you in advance and please let me know if you need additional information concerning my project.