JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'parentNode' of undefined or null reference
The error is in the following code (3rd line)
},_isWindowRightToLeft:function(){var d=this._isRightToLeft;
if(d==null){var c=this.get_element();
var e=c.parentNode?c:this._getDefaultParent();
}return d;
}},_createStatusbarMessageCell:function(e){var f=e.rows[0].insertCell(-1);"100%";
My code is similar to the code in the sample
I have a nestedviewtemplate in a radgird that then has a radgrid in the nestedveiwtemplate. This inner radgrid has a linkbutton in one of the columns that calls a javascript that does a;
The MyRadWindow is positioned in the aspx code just after the main radgrid.
I cannot seem to find any info about similar issues. Any suggestions to finding the cause of this issue?