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Error using design editor and RadDock

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Nigel asked on 18 Feb 2009, 03:30 AM
Hi, I have been experiencing problems with the RadDock and the design view editor. When you create a new raddock and drag a component into it, it adds it without creating the ContentTemplate tags. Then if you edit this (either add more, or change the properties) it removes the end ContentTemplate tag. I have been working around this for a while as it has been like it in a least the last 3 releases, and I assume that you are aware of this problem, but figured I would let you know anyway. Please note I have experienced this error in both 2005 and 2008 version of Visual Studio.

I.e. a new Rad Dock created and a control dragged into it using design editor



<telerik:RadDock ID="RadDock1" runat="server" Width="300px">  


<uc2:EntitySearcher ID="EntitySearcherClients" runat="server" EntityTypeID="1" Mode="SelectProperty" /> 


<asp:Button ID="ButtonCloseDock" runat="server" Text="Close Searcher" OnClick="ButtonCloseDock_Click" /> 





After fixing this but changing the properties through design editor


<telerik:RadDock ID="RadDock1" runat="server" Width="500px" Height="500px" Top="300px" Left="200px" DefaultCommands="None" DockHandle="Grip" DockMode="Floating" Visible="false">  





<uc2:EntitySearcher ID="EntitySearcherClients" runat="server" EntityTypeID="1" Mode="SelectProperty" /> 



<asp:Button ID="ButtonCloseDock" runat="server" Text="Close Searcher" OnClick="ButtonCloseDock_Click" />  









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Petio Petkov
Telerik team
answered on 18 Feb 2009, 03:13 PM
Hi Nigel,

Thank you for your feedback. We highly appreciate it.

The problem concerning ContentTemplate being stripped when modifying, adding or removing a control inside RadDock in design time, is a known issue. We have already logged it in our bug tracking system and will fix it for one of the following updates of the control. The problem is referenced in a note in RadDock for ASP.NET AJAX help in the Getting Started help article.

Petio Petkov
the Telerik team

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