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Error Thrown When Pasting Using Toolbar

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Andrew asked on 19 Mar 2014, 03:38 PM
Is this a known issue?

Users are experiencing this issue when attempting to paste content where ctrl+v results in various formatting issues that don't appear when using the button. So far we've been able to reproduce on SOME machines in both Chrome and IE while running Win 7/IE 9 and Win 8/IE 11

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open telerik radeditor demo in IE ( )
2. Download and open the attached email (.msg file) here ( )
3. Copy content of the attached email (Lightning Talks Java  Scala 19 March.msg)
4. Paste copied content into demo radeditor control using top toolbar button.

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Mar 2014, 09:01 AM
Hello Andrew,

The mentioned tool is designed and implemted via JavaScript functionality, which is greatly depended on the used browser. This tool just provides the native support of the browser's Paste command and the browser would trigger this command as it is designed by the browser architects. Due to that we are unable to modify the JS interface that provides the functionality of this browser command. 

Additionally, using JS API to interfere with the clipboard data is not available in some browser due to user's security matter. This is why our paste/copy tools implement the logic to detect if such action is available. If it is not supported, the user is prompted to use the native browser's keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+V or Ctrl+C) to paste or paste.

Unfortunately, due to the browser native support matter of this command we are unable to provide a consistent behavior across all browsers. Disabling the mentioned alert would be a faulty user experience and would cause issue, because the tool would pear like it does not trigger any functionality.


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