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Error occurs when trying to update Telerik version to latest one

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Installer and VS Extensions
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Alan asked on 16 Jul 2020, 02:45 AM

The current Telerik version used in our project is (v.2012.3.1308.45 Dev). I am trying to upgrade this to 2020.2.617(Trial) version in Visual Studio 2019 using the steps mentioned in the link but I encounter error mentioned below. I have also attached a screenshot of error window for your reference. Please help me with this issue.

An error occurred while running the wizard.
Error executing custom action Telerik.Web.UI.VSX.Actions.MultiProjectUpdateReferencesAction: System.NotSupportedException: Specified method is not supported.
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.VS.Implementation.Package.Automation.OAVSReferences.Remove(OAVSReference reference)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudio.ProjectSystem.VS.Implementation.Package.Automation.OAVSReference.Remove()
   at Telerik.VSX.Internal.ProjectManagement.ApplicationProjectAssemblyReference.RemoveReference()
   at Telerik.VSX.ProjectConfigurators.ApplicationReferenceManager.RemoveReferences()
   at Telerik.VSX.ProjectConfigurators.ApplicationReferenceManager.UpdateReferences()
   at Telerik.VSX.Actions.UpdateReferencesAction.UpdateReferences(IProjectWrapUIComponents projectWrap)
   at Telerik.VSX.Actions.UpdateReferencesAction.Execute(WizardContext wizardContext, IPropertyDataDictionary arguments, IProjectWrap project)
   at Telerik.VSX.Actions.ProjectActionBase.Telerik.VSX.Actions.IProjectAction.Execute(IWizardContext wizardContext, IPropertyDataDictionary arguments, IProjectWrap projectWrap)
   at Telerik.VSX.Actions.MultiProjectActionBase`1.Execute(WizardContext wizardContext, IPropertyDataDictionary arguments)
   at Telerik.VSX.Actions.MultiProjectUpdateReferencesActionBase`1.Execute(WizardContext wizardContext, IPropertyDataDictionary arguments)
   at Telerik.VSX.WizardEngine.Actions.ActionBase.Telerik.WizardFramework.IAction.Execute(IWizardContext wizardContext, IPropertyDataDictionary arguments)
   at Telerik.VSX.WizardEngine.ActionManager.ExecActions()

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Jul 2020, 12:00 PM

Hello Alan,

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties in using our products.

Based on the provided exception details, it seems that Progress Telerik UI for AJAX VS extension is unable to add or remove some of the references in your project. Could you please check if your project references are restored successfully:

  1. Open your project and check if the Telerik references are valid by checking the references Path under the Properties window.
  2. Make sure that the Path exists and you have read/write privileges to it.

My second suggestion that could help you to resolve the issue by your side is as follows:

  1. Remove all Telerik references from the project
  2. Perform "Clean Solution" operation
  3. Use the Convert Project Wizard to add the needed assemblies that target the new product version

Could you please try to perform my suggestions and if none of them do help you, please send us the project with which the issue is reproduced? It will help us to further investigate the problem by our side.

I am looking forward to your feedback.

Progress Telerik

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answered on 17 Jul 2020, 02:01 AM

Hi Yana,

Thank you so much for the response. I went through the first suggestion you mentioned and verified that the Path exists and I have read/write privileges to it. The reference still points to the version 2012.3.1308.45. So the project references are not restored successfully.

Hence, I followed the steps mentioned in your second suggestion. 

1) I removed the Telerik references from my project by deleting the Telerik.Web.UI(2012.3.1308.45) NuGet package.

2) I performed Clean Solution operation.

3) When I try to follow steps mentioned in the Convert Project Wizard, the extension doesn't have 'Convert to Telerik Web Application' option. 

I have attached a screenshot for your reference. How can I get that convert option in the extension?

Telerik team
answered on 20 Jul 2020, 04:12 PM

Hi Alan,

Thank you for the provided details.

Could you please confirm that the project is selected when the screenshot is taken? I am asking you this question because if the project is selected and the Convert to Telerik Web Application option is not available this means that the VS extension could not recognize the project as a web application

Is it possible for you to send us your project or to check by yourself the following:

  1. The ProjectTypeGuids property in the project file:
    • Launch Visual Studio and open your project
    • Right-click at the project name and choose Unload Project option
    • Right-click again and select Edit [ProjectName] 
    • Find the ProjectTypeGuids - for web application the guide should contain the following: <ProjectTypeGuids>{349c5851-65df-11da-9384-00065b846f21};{fae04ec0-301f-11d3-bf4b-00c04f79efbc}</ProjectTypeGuids>
  2. Could you please check if System.Web.dll assembly exists in your project references?

Meanwhile, you could check this documentation article that could help you to manually upgrade your project.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Progress Telerik

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answered on 21 Jul 2020, 07:31 AM

Hi Yana,

Thank you for the reply.

I followed the steps mentioned by you.

1. The ProjectTypeGuids property is not there in the project file.

2. System.Web.dll assembly exists in the project references. I have attached the screenshot showing the reference Sysytem.Web in the Assemblies.

Is there anything else that I am missing?



Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2020, 04:34 AM

Hello Alan,

Based on the provided details, it seems that the project that you are trying to convert or upgrade with our wizards is not a standard web application and our wizards do not support it.

As far as I can understand your application is a new project that contains package references and at the same time, Telerik references are added manually, right? Could you please specify what type is your project and how did you use the Telerik references? If your case is a common way of using our references, we could log a feedback item for supporting such scenarios and take it into consideration. 

As a workaround, I suggest you upgrade your project by installing the latest version of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Ajax NuGet packages. You could find more information about how to achieve this in the following documentation article:

Please let us know in case any further assistance is needed.

Progress Telerik

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answered on 27 Jul 2020, 11:45 PM

Hi Yana,

I manually removed references to old version Telerik NuGet packages and installed the new version NuGet packages. I also made sure other dependencies are updated as well. Now everything works fine. Thank you so much for your support.



Installer and VS Extensions
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