Hello Telerik team, please help with below. Thanks!
I have a question about catch error message on radscheduler Edit form when update a single appointment (RecurrenceState is Exception) in RecurrenceExceptionCreated block:
protected void RadScheduler1_RecurrenceExceptionCreated(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RecurrenceExceptionCreatedEventArgs e)
.........else / / catch ovelap
e.Cancel = true;
Label overLapMessage= (Label)((RadScheduler)sender).Controls[1].Controls[0].FindControl("errMessage");
errMessage.Text = "A scheduling conflict has occurred.";
After click Save button, the Edit Form go away.
But I can catch the message on Edit Form in update block for appointment that is NotRecurring.
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentUpdate(object sender, AppointmentUpdateEventArgs e)
same code as above}
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
Could you please explain the scenario that you implement in more details?
Do you use RadScheduler for ASP.NET AJAX in a custom VisualWebPart or you use the TelerikSPRadSchedulerWebPart?
How do you populate the control with data?
the Telerik team
protected void RadScheduler1_RecurrenceExceptionCreated(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.RecurrenceExceptionCreatedEventArgs e)
Unfortunately it is still not clear enough what is not working properly. Would you please provide some more information what exactly should we change in the Advanced From on-line demo code in order to achieve the same error or unusual behavior at our side. This way we will be able to inspect that issue and be more helpful with solving it.
the Telerik team
Thanks for reply. I found a demo url in here:
that shows the overlap message in Navigation bar if update an appointment to occupied time slot. I need the message to show on the Edit Appointment form top after click Save button.(The Edit form should still shows there to let user select different date or time, unless user click Cancel button, then go away) Please see attached image. Please let me know you can change the code to do this.(update appointment must be an Exception appointment.)
Thanks a lot.
We inspected the issue once again and it seems that this is a limitation of RadScheduler and when the RecurrenceExceptionCreated event is canceled the reset exception event is thrown and the advanced form should be hiding. Please excuse us for this limitation of our control.
the Telerik team