We have a content field set up in out sites that is based on the Publishing HTML field type that is defined in the page layout as:
<radE:RadHtmlField id="Content" FieldName="LGR_x0020_Page_x0020_Content" runat="server" displaywidth="480px" ToolsFile="~/_controltemplates/DCCCustomControls/TelerikConfig/LGR2_ToolsFile.xml" ConfigFile="~/_controltemplates/DCCCustomControls/TelerikConfig/LGR2_ConfigFile.xml"></radE:RadHtmlField>
When the page is viewed in diaplay mode it is fine, however when the site editor goes into edit the page the content field is not displayed and the error given is:
Failed to render "LGR Page Content" column because of an error in the "Publishing HTML" field type control. See details in log. Exception message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation..
The content fields worked correctly in edit mode before the update. I've also noticed that on a page where there is more than one <radE:RadHtmlField..... > control that the second editor displays correctly when in edit mode, but the first does not.
Do you have any suggestions as to how we can solve this problem?