*I am using telerik:RadSplitContainer to wrap one paneGroup (and will holds more panes)
The first Radpane is starting with the app, the second is floating RadPane that i am docked to the first RadPaneGroup and i want to change his size)
The scenario:
1. Appliction start with one RadPane
My start code:
<telerik:RadDocking x:Name="dockEngineering"
<telerik:RadSplitContainer x:Name="MiddleContainer">
<telerik:RadPaneGroup x:Name="myPaneGroup">
<telerik:RadPane Header="1" >
<user control/>
2.Double click on a button open a floating RadPane (create from code)
3. I Docked the floating RadPane to the existing radPaneGroup (myPaneGroup)
Code for step 2 and 3:
creating RadPane from code and add it to the myPaneGroup :
myRadpane = new MyRadPane(myPaneGroup) //MyRadPane is RadPane user control
myPaneGroup.Items(myRadpane ) //add the radpane to specific PaneGroup
makeFloatingDockable() //make it float
4. now in my application I have 2 panes (under the same RadPaneGroup ) side by side (looks ok in the UI)
*************************The problem**************
I want to enlarge\decrease the size of one of them - how can i do it?