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EnableVirtualScrolling for Combobox always jumping up

3 Answers 70 Views
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Gopinath asked on 26 Jun 2015, 10:40 AM


I gave Items per request as 50 records. So 1st time you scroll the list has 50 Records,2nd time you scroll the list has 100 records and 3rd time you scroll the list has 150 records ..etc. I have total 4050 records are available.

But here problem is it starting at the beginning of the list instead of the next displayed records. i.e. when you scroll till the end and it loads next 50 records and jumps to first item of total loaded list instead pointing to the 51 record. 

 So how to start scroll from the next loaded list . i.e. 1st time you scroll will be at the start 1 Record, 2nd time scroll will be at the start of 51 record etc...

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answered on 26 Jun 2015, 11:58 AM

I have observed same behavior in below link

If you scroll down fully, scroll bar moves up always until all the records loaded. But i want the scroll bar position to change every time based on loaded items.


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answered on 29 Jun 2015, 01:51 PM
Anyone please respond to this . It is very urgent.
Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Jul 2015, 08:10 AM

This is a known RadComboBox bug that is already logged in the Feedback Portal. We are sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused you and we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible in one of our future release.

Ivan Danchev
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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
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